Joseph Joseph Spaghetti/Pasta Measure in Red & Gray
I consider myself to be a pretty good cook. I can eyeball lots of measurements from a tablespoon of olive oil to a quart of hulled strawberries. Get me over a pot of boiling water for a simple spaghetti dinner and a wave of doubt washes over me. I keep picturing the extra lump of unused pasta; lonely, without sauce and solidifying in my colander. In it's uncooked form, it is deceivingly thin so my portion controlling eye is tricked. I can't be the only one in this pasta boat.

This innovative, compact spaghetti measure provides an adjustable portion guide for 1-4 servings. Simply slide the small lever around the side of the disc, opening the camera-style aperture to the required portion size. Made from high quality polypropylene, its available in 4 colors.

Dishwasher safe.

Joseph Joseph Spaghetti/Pasta Measure in Red & Gray

Price $7.99

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Joseph Joseph Spaghetti/Pasta Measure in Red & Gray

spaghetti measure in action

also available in gray/green, gray/gray and white/green